This Is the code of famous quiz game.This code is Just for learning activities. DO not copy! @echo off color 0a title HKQ DEV GAME echo. echo - ! -! -! -! -! -! -! -! -! -! -! -! -! -! -! echo. echo Welcome to HKQ GAME!!.visit echo download the MY Theme Rainbow Spell echo. echo -! -! -! !- !- !- !- ! -! -! -! -! -! -! -! -! echo. echo Copyright HKQWORKS(C). You cannot use any part of this game for any purpose! echo. echo Hit enter then after the commmand feature pops up press A to play or B to see echo instructions! After making your choice, press enter again. pause set /p input=COMMAND? if %input%==a goto Q1 if %input%==b goto instructions :instructions echo Press the number of your choice. Then, press enter. You will be told if you got it right or wrong. Then press any button to continue to the next question! Press any button to start! pause goto Q1 :Q1 cls echo Where do the wookies live? echo 1 Couruscant echo 2 The death star ...